
Classes Taught at Texas Tech University-Costa Rica
for the B.B.A in Supply Chain Management,
Rawls College of Business

This list bellow includes 2 first years in CR, the other 2 years catalog. Courses for Texas Tech University’s B.B.A in Supply Chain Management that are offered to students on the Costa Rica Campus. The specific details on how these courses meet the TTU requirements are available in the Texas Tech University catalog .

When you enroll in this program on the Costa Rica Campus, you will work with your advisor to design a graduation plan.

This list is updated every year.

General Education

ART 1309 Global Art and Visual Culture
COMS 2358 Speaking for Business
ENGL 1301 Essentials of College Rhetoric
ENGL 1302 Advanced College Rhetoric
HIST 2300 History of the United States to 1877
HIST 2301 History of the United States from 1877
POLS 1301 American Government
POLS 2306 Texas Politics and Topics
ECO 2301 Principles of Economics I - Microeconomics
MATH 1330 Math Analysis I
MATH 2300 Statistical Methods
ASTR 1400 Solar System Astronomy
CHEM 1105 Experimental Chemical Basics
CHEM 1305 Chemical Basics
ENGL 2307 Introduction to Fiction or ENGL 2388
Introduction to Film Studies

Lower-Division Business Core

BA 1301 Introduction to Business
BA 2140 MOS Excel Certification
ISQS 2340 Intro to Info Technology
ISQS 2377 Decision Making in Business
ACCT  2301 Managerial Accounting
ACCT 2300 Financial Accounting

Upper-Division Business Core

BECO 3310 Applied Business Economics
BLAW 3391 Business Law
FIN 3320 Financial Management
SCM 3353 Supply Chain and Operations Management
MGT 3370 Organization and Management
MKT 3350 Introduction to Marketing
PCOM 3373 Managerial Communication