Choosing your major is one of the biggest college decisions you will make. Do you see yourself working in an office? Or would you prefer a more active, hands-on job? Are you prepared to complete heavy math and science classes? Or do you want to focus on other strengths?
At Texas Tech-Costa Rica, we offer 6 majors in their entirety. Take all classes necessary to earn one of these degrees without moving to the U.S.
You can also take the first two years of the following majors here in Costa Rica:
Discover Your 2&2 Pathway to Success: Embark on your journey in Costa Rica and complete it with distinction in Lubbock, Texas. Start by pursuing your degree in Business Management at Texas Tech-Costa Rica, and as you advance, you will have the opportunity to transfer and finalize your studies in Texas. Choose from a range of specialized pathways that align with your career aspirations.
If you want one of the dozens of majors available at Texas Tech’s main campus in Lubbock, Texas, you can start any major here in Costa Rica and then move to the United States after a year or two.